Roman Shafeev About Me
Hello, World.

I'm Roman Shafeev.

Solution Architect Tech Lead

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Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I am a Solution Architect with proficiency in High-Load IoT, Automotive Telematics, Data Streaming, MSA and EDA Backend Solution Design.
I have experience with 4-years big projects based on IoT & Telematics Technologies and 7 years projects based on Cloud & Data Streaming Processing Technologies.

Also I have experience to work as Product Lead and under my leadership we managed to launch several innovative services. More details below :)

Team Lead Skills

  • 95%
    Scrum Agile
  • 90%
  • 85%
    RoadMap Planning
  • 80%
  • 60%

DEV Skills

  • 95%
  • 85%
    IoT Stack
  • 95%
  • 90%
  • 70%
    Relational Database
  • 65%
  • 75%
    Discrete Opt
  • 30%
    Java & Scala

More of my credentials.

Work Experience

Full: 9 years 3 months

Solution Architect

June 2022 - now


Solution Architect Roles:
Key Achievements:
  • designed a technical solution for asynchronous retransmission of chatbot communication dialogues with the user into the speech analytics module in the NLP Platform product
  • implemented observability distributed tracing of software components of the Audiogram product
  • designed a solution for horizontal scaling of API components and agents responsible for client communication with triton servers in the Audiogram product
  • designed the transition from the SOA to the MSA model in the Audiogram product.
Technical Skills:
  • Development: python, go
  • Services Bus: Apache Kafka
  • Databases: Postgresql, ClickHouse, Redis
  • Machine Learning: triton server, rasa

Solution Architect

Match 2021 - February 2022
(1 year)


Solution Architect ( Analytics ) Roles:
  • Architecture Design
  • Solution Prototypes Building
Key Achievements:
  • designed technical solution to build `Quality as Service` of Customer-Facing Analytics for webinars with 10k+ attendees. The Analytics System consumes telemetry of RingCentral video meetings from RingCentral Data Points and from client applications (e.g. HLS Players) to builds scoring analytics of meeting quality to help customer admins determine the cause of failure of media streaming.
  • designed technical solution to build `Webinar Marketing` Analytics. The Analytics System collects any actions of the attendee starting from the moment of registration in the webinar and ending with the completion of his participation in the webinar to build funnel trends for Marketers.
  • designed technical solution and made prototype to async generation and download Analytics Reports from RingCentral Analytics Portal.
  • designed technical solution to reorganize RingCentral Analytics System to ensure GDPR and Schrems II Compliance and build regional clusters for EU and APAC.
  • made an audit of architectural documentation and actualized system and functional specifications of RingCentral Analytics System; built py-tool which generates interactive architectural diagrams from configuration files and applications artifacts and publish them into Confluence using Confluence API and integrated him to Gitlab CI.
Technical Skills:
  • Development: scala, sbt
  • Cloud Services: GCP k8s, GCP Pub/Sub, Segment
  • Services Bus: Apache Kafka,
  • Databases: Cassandra, ClickHouse, rocksdb, lucene

Team Lead

Sep 2019 - Feb 2021
(1 year 6 months)


Team Lead ( Telephony - Infra )


  • Team Leading & Scrum Master
  • Projects Roadmap Planning
  • Architecture Design
  • C++ Developing
Key Achievements:
  • built Development Process based on Self Agile methodology and increased responsibility for team actions, outcomes, and delivers on commitments. We have reached average Team Work Efficiency of more than 98%.
  • My team migrated legacy Kernel Telephony Service which has a lot of win-specific code (winapi, com objects, mfc, etc.) from Win to Linux Platform.
  • My team refactored legacy Kernel Telephony Service using EDA architecture concepts to simplify the internal architecture of the service and migrate to an asynchronous model of communication between isolated service components.
Technical Skills:
  • Development: c++11, cmake, boost, stl, protobuf
  • Orchestration: systemd
  • Services Bus: Apache Kafka
  • Databases: Oracle

Product Lead

Match 2018 - July 2019
(1 year 5 months)


Product Lead ( Connected Vehicle Cloud ) Roles:
  • Team Leading & Scrum Master
  • Product Roadmap Planning
  • Architecture Design
Key Achievements:
  • formed a team with 10 members (2 c++ backend developers, 2 py developers, 2 frontend developers, devops, ux designer, 2 QA eng.)
  • My Team built the Connected Vehicle Cloud which is based on MSA Architectural concepts and launched new innovative SaaS solutions for the automotive world: Remote Access and Remote Control of Vehicle CAN/ETH Buses. It became possible to receive from CAN and Automotive Ethernet Buses any sensors data of the vehicle in real-time and visualize them in Cloud Engineering Portal.
  • My Team built SaaS Remote Diagnostics Tool to help of support engineers to determine the cause of SW/HW failures as soon as possible when they have remote access to the vehicle only.
  • My Team built the OTA Update Service to upgrade applications and firmware of vehicle i/o modules, HMI and linux-based automotive systems.
  • My Team designed and implemented a new automotive protocol for vehicle<->cloud communications. The protocol has the following properties: multi-streaming per single tcp connection, streams prioritization, datagrams compression, data tls encryption, guarantee delivery, saving traffic when transmitting telemetry (only telemetry signal changes are transmitted).
Technical Skills:
  • Connected Vehicle Development: c++11, cmake, nghhtp2, stl, protobuf
  • API: python3, tornado, sqlalchemy, WAMP
  • Orchestration: k8s+terraform+helm, docker compose
  • Cloud Computing Services: GCP k8s
  • Services Bus: RabbitMQ Cluster
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, InfluxDB

Product Lead

December 2016 - February 2018
(1 year 3 months)


Product Lead ( Insurance Telematics)
  • Team Leading & Scrum Master
  • Product Roadmap Planning
  • Technical Integration & Communication with Telematics Partners
  • Architecture Design
  • Python API Backend Developing
Key Achievements:
  • My Team designed & developed Pub/Sub API for b2b integration with Telematics Providers and Insurance Partners to transfer vehicles' telemetry to their systems in real-time mode.
  • My Team implemented 'the driving style assessment' feature to calculate driving style score by a selected date-time period in real-time mode.
  • My Team implemented the 'insurance telematics' b2b product to calculate insurance score and crash detection/reconstruction based on raw data of vehicle accelerometer collected from the vehicle on the cloud side. What is Insurance Telematics? I try to answer in this article:) (russian).
Technical Skills:
  • Development: python3, tornado, sqlalchemy

Backend Developer

July 2015 - November 2016
(1 year 5 months)


C++/Python Backend Developer

  • C++ Backend Developing
  • Python API Backend Developing
  • Technical Design
  • Applied Mathematics Research
Key Achievements:
  • designed and implemented MSA Architectural concepts for Telemetry Monoliths Server Decomposition using RabbitMQ as Services Messages Bus.
  • designed and implemented remote communication between client applications(mobile apps, web portal) and connected vehicles through 'client <-> api <-> platform <-> vehicle' on Connected Vehicle Platform side using redis pub/sub channels.
  • developed backend micro-services with horizontal scaling to receive and to collect vehicle`s telemetry of more than 300K connected vehicles.
  • designed and implemented a heuristic algorithm to solve 'anti-star' problem to filter noise and broken track points in real-time.
Technical Skills:
  • Connected Vehicle Development: c++11, cmake, poco, stl, libevent, protobuf
  • API Development: python3, tornado, sqlalchemy
  • Services Communication Bus: RabbitMQ Cluster (via SimpleAmqpClient for c++ / via pika for python)
  • Databases: redis (via hiredis), mysql (via mysqlcppconn), oracle (via occi)


September 2013 - June 2015
(1 year 10 months)

the Department of Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, NTU KhPI

Researcher of the Department of Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
  • Applied Mathematics Research
  • Conducting laboratory and practical classes of C++ programming
Key Achievements:
  • designed and implemented matlab application which allows finding the best productive supply for each transformer with minimal losses on the power transformers in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).
  • developed a vehicle routing java framework that uses specialized meta-heuristic algorithms to calculate an optimal solution of the different classes of the static and dynamic vehicle routing problems.
Technical Skills:
  • Language: c++, java
  • Math Tools: Matlab

Software Developer

July 2011 - November 2011
(5 months)

Hamburg University of Technology-TUHH

Software Developer
  • Applied Mathematics Research
  • C++ / Java Developing
Key Achievements:
  • built model which follows a rigorous development process framework, where model validity is ensured by using Supply Chain Operations Reference as theoretical process framework using Anylogic Modeling Platform. An agent based simulation platform is presented for generic supply chain modeling adding flexibility and configurability over existing models.
  • developed UI-tool which allows to design delivery routes between the points of the delivery chains and export them in .accdb format to have the ability to use them in Anylogic into supply chain model.
Technical Skills:
  • Modeling Tools: Anylogic 6.6
  • Development: C++, WinAPI/MFC, Visual Studio 2008, OpenStreetMap



2013 - 2016

Computer Science
Kharkov Polytechnic University

Master Degree

2011 - 2013

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Kharkov Polytechnic University

Bachelor Degree

2007 - 2011

Applied Mathematics
Kharkov Polytechnic University
Own Projects & Research



Where to find me

Saint-Petersbug, Russia

Write Me At

Telegram: @rshafeev

Call Me At

Telegram: @rshafeev